

Fall Semester, 2002

FLAN 3002: Health and Life Science Terminology

Professor Daniel B. Levine


Welcome To Health and Life
Sciences Terminology!


The goals of the course are to:

  • understand the concept of Etymology;
  • memorize prefixes, suffixes, and vocabulary that will allow us to
  • see how Greek and Latin ‘work’ in forming English words;
  • figure out meanings of technical terms of science and medicine;
  • increase our English vocabulary;
  • learn more about the history of scientific disciplines; and
  • have fun.


In order to reach these goals, we shall:

  • use dictionaries to practice looking at word origins;
  • memorize roots, prefixes, and suffixes;
  • read selected text chapters on English Roots and Medical Terms;
  • drill orally and with written exercises;
  • look up health/scientific topics in current periodicals;
  • read about the history of medicine;
  • report on exciting discoveries;
  • write summaries of science articles in the news;
  • analyze words we see in the newspaper



Three textbooks are required for this course.

In addition, students must have access to a good unabridged English Dictionary.
Please use the gigantic dictionaries in Mullins Library if you only have
a small one at home.

You may use the Oxford English Dictionary on-line. It usually
has good etymologies:


1) Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, 19th edition.

2) Greek and Latin Roots of English, by Tamara M. Green.

3) Medical Terminology: Exercises in Etymology, by Dunmore
& Fleischer.

These textbooks should be available in the University of Arkansas Bookstore,
in the Arkansas Union.

This course website also has some useful LINKS
which you might look at as useful resources for this class.



Attendance and participation in all class sessions is required.



In addition to attending all classes, students are expected to spend
as much time as they need to memorize the word roots and parts and complete
written exercises by their due dates. In addition, outside class, students
will prepare their oral presentations, read the assigned articles, write
their papers, and prepare for quizzes and examinations. I estimate that
on average students will need to budget a minimum of two hours of
homework for every hour of class time — some will need more, and a few
might need less. You will find the Schedule of Assignments HERE.



Grades will be based on the Midterm Examination (25%), Final Examination
(25%), Oral/Written Reports (25%), Class Participation/Quizzes (25%). There
will be a short quiz in each class, given over the homework we have just
discussed. Two lowest quiz grades will be dropped.




Each student will hand in three short written reports (maximum length:
3 pages), based on readings from the Science or Health Section in
recent issues (only between July, 2002 and December, 2002) of the
New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times,
or Chicago Tribune. Current issues are available in the Periodicals
Room, on the entrance level of Mullins Library. Web-based articles from
these papers may be used, if approved by the professor.

Reports will be on a single article of the student’s choice, focusing
on four scientific terms which you consider important. Please do not choose
words for which you cannot find an etymology, and please do not guess on

The article must be SUBSTANTIAL (of at least three pages when printed
up from the web). When in doubt, show a printed copy to the professor for

The report will be written in complete sentences and contain:

  • a photocopy or printout of the article;
  • a summary of the article in approximately three or four paragraphs;
  • an analysis of the roots, suffixes, and prefixes of at least
    four important terms discussed in the article, preferably relating to words
    and roots we are studying (four paragraphs);
  • NOTE: Do not simply copy and paste the dictionary’s etymology of the
    word into your paper. You should explain the etymology in your own words,
    in good English sentences;
  • A bibliography, to include the date, author, and source of the
    article, and the lexical resources (dictionaries, on-line and hard-copy)
    which you used.

Reports will be typewritten, double-spaced, and will be graded on the
quality and accuracy of the summary, quality of word analysis and etymology,
proper use of grammar and punctuation, and relevance to the course. Reports will be due September 23, October 23, and
December 9. Students may hand in written reports before their due dates.



Beginning the second week, students will give short reports (2-minute
maximum) in class about a scientific word they have encountered in class,
in their written report preparation, or elsewhere, concentrating on:

1) the analysis of the word’s etymology;

2) the literal and current meaning;

3) a way we might remember these terms when we see them again.

Words which students present in their oral reports will be fair game
on quizzes, as well as on the midterm and final examinations.

Oral reports are graded on completeness and accuracy of information,
clarity of presentation, relevance, and ability to engage the class’ attention.

For the Schedule of Oral Reports, with the words presented so far, go



Daniel B. Levine, Professor, Classical Studies

Office: Kimpel Hall 502. Office Hours: MWF 8:30-9:20 AM, and by appointment.

Office Phone: 575-5937, or 575-2951; Home Phone: 521-3294 (not after
9:00 PM, please.)

FAX: 575-6795



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