4 Design Trends to Modernize Your Site

Redesign to make your content shine.
Just like clothing and car styles, websites styles are constantly changing. If your site was created any time from 2 to 15 years ago, the change may be happening more rapidly than you ever expected. But just like the mullet you rocked in kindergarten, your website may need some major updating if you want to be taken seriously. Consider making over your site with one or more of 2017’s site style trends.


Let Content Lead Design


Modern websites let their content lead their layouts. This means that your design should be purposeful, directing your visitor through each page. It’s tempting to put everything you can “above the fold” or on the top of the website. But realistically, this only serves to confuse your audience. To communicate a compelling message, chunk your content into sections, gradually leading your visitor by creating a logical flow of information through the page. As an example, check out University of Arkansas’s R.O.C.K. Camp site.


Big, Bold Type


With content leading the way, let your site’s copy draw in your readers. Use big, bold type to state your mission or tagline, anchoring your homepage. Keep the copy simple and to the point, and dedicate a sizable amount of real estate to your message. This is a great option if you don’t have many images—place it in front of a white background for a clean, minimalist look. Of course, it looks great over images as well, especially monochrome toned images, or even over a GIF or looped video. Just make sure that the background does not inhibit the readability of your message. The University of Arkansas’s Enactus site is a great example of how to do this well.


More, and Brighter Color


Keeping your design minimal and content focused will allow you room to experience with color. Try using Divi’s new gradient tool for a fresh and fun pop of color. But don’t go too wild! Reign it in with a limited two or three tone color palate. Check out Asana for an example of this technique.


Mixed Type


Keeping in mind readability, you may want to revisit your website’s typeface. Instead of using a single font throughout the site, consider pairing two fonts together, perhaps a sans serif for headings and a serif for paragraph text. Google fonts is helpful tool for this, as it will give you some suggestions for which fonts pair best together. You also may be used to using 10pt or 12pt fonts if most of your work is in print, however, on the web your paragraphs should be no smaller than 14pt.