How to make a picture persistent in a slider

      Having a slider that rotates through multiple images is a very useful tool. Being able to have a persistent logo on your site with information about the array of things your site offers allows your user to engage with your site without being overwhelmed. The process to make a beautifuly header image is quick and easy.

Step 1

     Navigate to the top of the page to the third tab. It should have the name of the site you are working on next to an icon that looks like a speedometer. Mouse over that and select the option that says “Theme Customizer”.

Step 2

Once the theme customizer is open, click on the tab that says “Additional CSS”.

Step 3

In the “Additional CSS” tab, past the following code.

.et_pb_slide_image, .et_pb_slide:first-child .et_pb_slide_image{

-webkit-animation-duration: 0s !important;

animation-duration: 0s !important;

animation-name: none !important;


Step 4

Navigate to the slider module you would like to apply these changes to. In the advanced tab, open the “Custom CSS”  drop down, and put the following code in to the “Slider Image Section”. 

animation-name: none;

And thats it! you should have a slider image with no animation. As long as you put the same image on each slide, then the only change that will happen is the background and text.