Color Scheme Meaning

Colors are what bring make your site unique, so they are an important aspect when you are designing your site. Choosing a good combination of colors that express your bran can be a challenge so it is a good idea to understand their meaning. Therefore, we are going to look at the psychology of colors.


Psychology of Colors

Colors can affect how we respond to situations and influence our decisions made in our everyday life without knowing this.  This is so important that business spends resources on developing their colors and brand images. The combination of color that you select for your site is part of your brand so taking a time for this will be beneficial in the long run for your site.

The Meaning Behind the Color

Black is the color of authority and power, stability, and strength. It is also the color associated with intelligence.

White is the color associated with purity, cleanliness, and the safety of bright light. It is also used to project the absence of color or neutrality. 

Gray is most associated with the practical, timeless, middle-of-the-road, solid things in life. Too much gray leads to feeling mostly nothing, but a bit of gray will add that rock-solid feeling to your site.

Red is the color of energy. It’s associated with movement and excitement.

Blue is a cool calming color that shows creativity and intelligence.

Green is the color of growth, nature, and money, and it is a calming that is very pleasing to the senses. 

Yellow is the color of the sun, associated with laughter, happiness and good times.

Orange is the color of fun times, happy and energetic days.

Purple is the royal color that is associated with wealth, prosperity, rich sophistication. This color stimulates the brain activity used in problem-solving.

Brown is most associated with reliability, stability, and friendship.

Color can help you provide a clear message to your target audience so bring colors together and make your site unique.  Please let us know if you have any questions about this material. We will be happy to help you! Please email us at