Download Blog Layouts for Your Site

Although most blogs maintain consistency throughout their posts, you may occasionally want to vary the layout of your posts. Divi offers plenty of options for customization, but for your convenience, we’ve arranged a few layouts just for you. Scroll down to see, and download the layouts below for import into your site’s Divi library.

Layout 1: The Gallery Header

This layout is great for posts that mostly feature images. The same contains two rows of images in the header, but it would look great with another row of three added as well. You can easily add images from your site via the Gallery module.By default, Divi will add a sidebar and an automated post title, which would compromise the effect of this layout. Be sure to set the Divi post settings to “Fullwidth” and disable the automated post title. 

Layout 2: Boxed Layout with Header Overlap

A simple, clutter-free layout that emphasizes the main content of your post. Be sure to set the Divi post settings to “Fullwidth” and disable the automated post title. 

Layout 3: Boxed Layout with Right or Left Sidebar

The easily available sidebar allows you the ability to direct users to other areas of your site that may interest them. Be sure to set the Divi post settings to “Fullwidth” and disable the automated post title.