Easy Tables Plugin

Easy Tables plugin is a great tool to create tables on your posts or pages. It is pretty easy to use. In other to activate it, go to Plugin on the dashboard and search for Easy Table. Then, activate it, and you will be ready to use Easy Table on any post or page on your site.


In order to create a table, follow the next steps:

1. Go to Post → New Post (or Page → New Page)

2. On a text module, you will see the choice to add a table to post.

3. Click on “table” and then select “insert table” to add a table to your post. To set up how many columns or rows you want, you just have to drag your mouse over them. A blue highlighted will appear while you are dragging the mouse over the table.

After selecting the size of your table, your table will look like the following image.

4. Place your mouse on the table and write down the data for your table.

5. If you want to edit your table, only select it and click on the table icon. You will see its menu and be able to make any change such as size, color, or font if needed.

6. After setting up your table, it will look like the next images your post.

We hope this helps you to improve your knowledge about WordPress plugin. It is a great tool if you are planning to create some tables on your site. Please let us know if you have any questions about this material, and we will be happy to help you! Comment down below or email us at wpress@uark.edu