Formidable Plugin
Formidable is a great plugin to use on your WordPress site. This is a tool that you can use to create different types of forms such as contact, polls and surveys, lead generation, email forms, and more. To install it, go to plugin and search for Formidable, and after that, activate it. As result, you will have the Formidable Plugin available on your site.
After having installed Formidable, follow the next steps to create a form:

Forms Page
First, go to your Dashboard where you will see the Formidable Tag where you can create different types of forms that you can use on your site.
Second, there are four default templates that are ready to set up on your site. You can make changes if needed.

Forms Templates
Third, to create a different type of form, click on Add New that is on the left corner. Once you are in Build New form, assign it a name and select what you want on this form from the right column. After that, click on Create in order to save this new form.

Building a Form

Building a Form Process

View of your New Form
Finally, after you have your form is done, copy the Shortcodes of the form wanted and paste on a text module in your post or page on your site. Then, this form will be able on your site for the public.

Forms Page

Text Module on a Post

View of a Form on the Post
If you want to check the entries of your forms, here is how you can do this:
There are two ways to check the Entries of your forms. The first choice, go to Entries under Formidable on your dashboard, and the second choice, check the Entries page when you go to the Forms section and click on the Entries column. Also, you will also get an email when you have something new on Entries.

Entries Page on the Dashboard

Entries on your Form Page

Entries for a specific form
We hope this helps you to improve your knowledge about WordPress plugin, and the Formidable plugin is an amazing tool to make your experience easier. Please let us know at if you have any questions about this material, and we will be happy to help you!