Getting Started:

Logging In

There are two ways to log in to your site.
Method 01: /wp-login.php

Once you have requested a WordPress site, you will receive an email with your website address.  In order to access your site, simply type in that address and attach the following phrase: “/wp-login.php.”  For example, if your site is, you will type in “”  If prompted, please click the Big Blue Button that says, “Use My UARK ID.”  You will then be taken to a log in screen, where you will input your University of Arkansas username and password.  This will take you to your site dashboard, or “back-end” of your website.

screenshot of login screen
Method 02: Find the Footer Shortcut

You can also access your website through a shortcut.  Navigate to your site, then scroll down to the footer.  Click on the University of Arkansas copyright label.  This will take you to the login page.  Again, simply put in your University of Arkansas username and password.  This will take you to the site dashboard, or “back-end” off your website.

That’s it! Please contact us at if you encounter any difficulties.