How to Set Up a Password Protected Post or Page in WordPress

Password Protected Post or Page


Password protection is a great option if you would like only a specific number of users to be able to access your post or page, Essentially, password protection limits public access and allows WordPress users to set up a password request so only people that know it can access the post or page.

So, you can set this up in a few simple steps:

New Post View


  1. To start this process, the first step is to go to the Publish section that is on the right. Then, go to 👁 Visibility: Public and click on Edit.



New Post View


2. After that, you will see the option Password Protected that is labeled as 1 in the following picture. Select the option in order to activate password protection. Then, the number 2 is where you will write your password. Finally, for number 3, click OK to update your settings. **Pro tip: Don’t forget to click “Update” or “Publish” in order to save your settings. 


Password Protected Post or Page View


After setting up your password, your post or page will be protected and ready to use. The following picture is an illustration of how your post or page will look when users access it. They will need to provide the password that you have set up.

Now, you are ready to set up your password protected post or page. Please, let us know if you have any questions about this material, and we will be happy to help you! Comment down below or email us at