Keyboard Shortcuts in WordPress

WordPress Keyboard Shortcuts

Why use keyboard shortcuts? They can increase efficiency when writing on a site; editing a site can be done quickly when using commands because it prevents you from taking your hands off of the keyboard. First, in the visual editor, you can use shortcuts to facilitate writing without using the mouse. Shortcuts vary a little from Windows and Mac computers, so I listed the commands for both.

Command () + Key or Ctrl + Key




Command (⌘) + a

Select all Ctrl + a
Command (⌘) + c Copy

Ctrl + c

Command (⌘) + x

Cut Ctrl + x

Command (⌘) + v


Ctrl + v

Command (⌘) + y Redo

Ctrl + y

Command (⌘) + z

Undo Ctrl + z
Command (⌘) + k Insert/Edit Link

Ctrl + k

Command (⌘) + b

Bold Ctrl + b
Command (⌘) + i Italic

Ctrl + i

Command (⌘) + u

Underline Ctrl + u
Command (⌘) + p Print

Ctrl + p

These shortcuts are widely known and can be used in other applications, such as Microsoft applications.

Control (Ctrl ^) + Option (alt ⌥) + Key or Alt + Shift (⇧) + Key




Control (Ctrl ^) + Option (alt ⌥) + j Justify Text Alt + Shift (⇧) + j
Control (Ctrl ^) + Option (alt ⌥) + l Align Left Alt + Shift (⇧) + l
Control (Ctrl ^) + Option (alt ⌥) + c Align Center Alt + Shift (⇧) + c
Control (Ctrl ^) + Option (alt ⌥) + r Align Right Alt + Shift (⇧) + r

Control (Ctrl ^) + Option (alt ⌥) + u

● List

Alt + Shift (⇧) + u

Control (Ctrl ^) + Option (alt ⌥) + o

1. List

Alt + Shift (⇧) + o

Control (Ctrl ^) + Option (alt ⌥) + a Insert link Alt + Shift (⇧) + a
Control (Ctrl ^) + Option (alt ⌥) + s Remove link Alt + Shift (⇧) + s
Control (Ctrl ^) + Option (alt ⌥) + q Quote Alt + Shift (⇧) + q
Control (Ctrl ^) + Option (alt ⌥) + m Insert Image Alt + Shift (⇧) + m
Control (Ctrl ^) + Option (alt ⌥) + t Insert More Tag Alt + Shift (⇧) + t
Control (Ctrl ^) + Option (alt ⌥) + p Insert Page Break Tag Alt + Shift (⇧) + p
Control (Ctrl ^) + Option (alt ⌥) + x Add/Remove Code Tag Alt + Shift (⇧) + x
Control (Ctrl ^) + Option (alt ⌥) + w Distraction Free Writing Mode Alt + Shift (⇧) + w
Control (Ctrl ^) + Option (alt ⌥) + h Help Alt + Shift (⇧) + h
Control (Ctrl ^) + Option (alt ⌥) + 1 Heading 1 Alt + Shift (⇧) + 1
Control (Ctrl ^) + Option (alt ⌥) + 2 Heading 2 Alt + Shift (⇧) + 2
Control (Ctrl ^) + Option (alt ⌥) + 3 Heading 3 Alt + Shift (⇧) + 3
Control (Ctrl ^) + Option (alt ⌥) + 4 Heading 4 Alt + Shift (⇧) + 4
Control (Ctrl ^) + Option (alt ⌥) + 5 Heading 5 Alt + Shift (⇧) + 5

Control (Ctrl ^) + Option (alt ⌥) + 6

Heading 6

Alt + Shift (⇧) + 6

Control (Ctrl ^) + Option (alt ⌥) + 9


Alt + Shift (⇧) + 9

Formatting Shortcuts




Start an Unordered List

Start an Unordered List
1. Start an Ordered List
1) Start an Ordered List
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
###### Heading 6
> Transform Text Into Block Quote

Horizontal line


Transform Text Into Code Block

Shortcuts are easy to use and helpful since they can save time when creating a site. This can be also found on the top of the editor when writing on a site. Just click on【?】or do Control (Ctrl ^) + Option (alt ⌥) + H, and you will see keyboard shortcuts list of WordPress.

What shortcuts do you use regularly? Leave a comment below!