Meet the Divi Library

Meet the Divi Library

The Divi library is the ultimate time saver when building out your Divi site. In the Divi library you can store your pre-designed layouts, modules, sections, and row to easily access from any page on your website.

It can take time to decide on your favorite combinations of custom modules, setting Design and Advanced tabs to create your own unique style. Oftentimes you may want to repeat the design of a section on multiple pages. It’s easy to save customized modules, rows, and sections, even an entire page layout, to your Divi library so you can use them in the future without having to recreate them.

Moreover, the modules that you save don’t have to remain static. Each item can be made global, meaning that they are synced and mirrored wherever you place them. That means that whenever you make a change on one global module, it updates site-wide. This can be especially useful for features like a custom footer, which should remain consistent on every page. You can even selectively sync certain features, maintaining the consistency of Design and Advanced features, while remaining free to alter the content within the modules.


How to Save New Items to the Divi Library

In the Visual Builder you can hover over any module, row, or section to open the menu bar, which includes a button to save any item to the library for later use. Click the icon, give the template a name, and select “Save To Library.”

You will be asked to fill out some information about your new library item. You can give your item a name, choose the settings you would like to save, add it to a specific category to stay organized, and decide whether or not to make it a global library item. Once you’ve filled out all your information, click “Save” to complete the process.


You can add the saved item to any new page just by clicking the “Add From Library” tab when adding a new module, row, or section to your page. This tab will reveal all of the saved items in your library. Click on the item to add it to your page.



Managing Your Items

It’s easy to edit and manage your saved items in your Divi Library. Yo may access your library by navigating to your Dashboard, then selecting Divi > Divi Library. You can edit by clicking the “edit” link beside any item, or even create a new item from scratch by clicking “Add New” at the top of the screen.


To learn more, visit the Divi Library Documentation, provided by theme creator, Elegant Themes.