What Successful Personal Blogs Have in Common

Personal blogs are one of the most common ways to share your opinion, and since they are easy to create and maintain, people enjoy creating them. Even though there are millions of personal blogs on the web, some bloggers have created some popular and successful personal blogs which have some common patterns.

Let’s see them!

1. Personal and Niche Focus of your Blog.

First of all is to find the right balance between personal and niche focus. The personal area of your blog is really important since this is why people will follow you or keep visiting your blog. Your opinion is the heart of your site, so try to focus on one specific niche and not to please everyone. If you try to please everyone, you may only have short-term relationships with your audience. Therefore, if you focus on one niche, you will have long-term relationships with your audience. This can result in deeper connections because your audiences will trust you.

2. Simple Design and One Main Color.

A simple design is key since content should be the main focus your blog. A great idea for your design is to put a personal touch that identifies you. This can also help you to connect deeper with your audience. Moreover, one main color will be good for your design. Those choices are important since they help your audience to recognize your site on the web.

3. High-Quality Photography.

This is something that people expect to see on any website. When you have your own blog, it is really important to own or create your own images. Because this is the visual illustration of you, and this what makes your blog unique, you should create your content and images on your blog. The fact of having high-quality photos that are personal is what will keep your audience engaged in the long-run.

4. Frequently Posted Publications.

Having a highly successful personal blog, one has to consider how frequently you post information on your blog. Posting good content once in a while is not enough to keep your audience. There is not a specific timeline for posting your content. This will depend on your audience. You can try a couple of posts per week so your visitors can have time to read them and be engaged with your blog. If you blog too frequently, this can also cause a negative effect on your audience. Therefore, try different levels of frequency and see which one work best for your visitors.

5. Keep Everything Simple.

Keeping everything simple is also one of the characteristics of personal blogs, but this does not mean your content’s value has to suffer from simplicity. A balance between them is key to your blog. Your content should be as easy to read and follow as possible because readers do not want to take too much time or effort to understand something. Therefore, make your content clear and simple to read.

6. Web and Social Media Connected as One.

A lot of popular personal blogs are highly active on various social media websites that are the prime destination for doing content promotions. Because they want to increase their audience, they share their content on different social media channels to make their blogs more popular. Also, you should have some social media links to your posts or header on your blog so your audience can share your post through their social media website.

7. Keep Growing a Mailing List.

This is really popular on personal blogs to do. It is really easy to do and keep your audience connected and aware of what is happening on your blog since they get notifications of your updates. This will remind them of your blog and keep them coming back.


A personal blog is a unique way to connect with other and share thoughts. We hope these tips help you to make a successful personal blog. Please, contact us at wpress@uark.edu if you have any question.