We’ll be highlighting RSO’s from the RSO Sustainability Coalition. If you’re interested in joining one of these organizations, be sure to check out their social media and HogSync page!

Policy, leadership, and powerful connections–that’s Net Impact. Net Impact at the University of Arkansas is our local Net Impact chapter, an organization dedicated to driving change through experiences, innovation, and networking.

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Net Impact member and OFS Intern Sophie Hill at the 2019 Net Impact conference in Detroit.

Last year, our Net Impact chapter worked with the Associated Student Government (ASG) and Residents Interhall Congress (RIC) to host an event with Mayor Jordan on Fayetteville’s sustainability policies. They also worked on solar energy advocacy and attended the 2019 Net Impact conference in Detroit, Michigan.

If you’re policy-minded, interested in helping businesses become more sustainable, and like “big picture” thinking, Net Impact is a great organization to join. You can follow our Net Impact chapter on Instagram.