by Linden Cheek | Aug 21, 2020 | Campus Resource, Challenge, Earth Week, Greek Life, Green Living, Office for Sustainability, Student Leaders
The University of Arkansas Office for Sustainability has launched the 2020 Greek Life Sustainability Scorecard! This is the third year that the Office for Sustainability has facilitated the program, and we are incredibly happy to see so many chapters furthering...
by Linden Cheek | Mar 25, 2020 | Campus Resource, Challenge, Features, Office for Sustainability, Systems Thinking
Hello Spring. And Social-Distancing. There’s no getting around it. COVID-19 has disrupted all of our lives, keeping us stuck inside and often unable to enjoy the coming of spring in our more traditional ways. For many of us, this unprecedented global crisis has...
by Linden Cheek | Feb 1, 2018 | Campus Resource, Challenge, Green Living, Off Campus Connections, Social Systems
You’re a young, eco-friendly, socially savvy college kid. You care about the planet. You don’t want the polar bears to drown or the penguins to sweat, so you turn off the lights when you leave a room and you recycle. You care about society. You’re tired of all the...
by Linden Cheek | Jan 17, 2018 | Challenge, Features, Green Living
And We’re Back. The first week of classes has come and gone, leaving us students with the task of reestablishing routine. As you start integrating yourself into your new schedule (and begin the search for that elusive timetable that will allow you to study, eat,...
by Linden Cheek | Nov 21, 2016 | Challenge, Energy, Features, Green Living, Technology
Download, click, save the world As spring arrives in Fayetteville and our beautiful campus comes back to life, many of us find ourselves desiring to switch to more earth-friendly habits. But, if you are anything like me, despite your warm and fuzzy feelings towards...
by | Oct 12, 2016 | Challenge, Events, Office for Sustainability, Recycle, Volunteer, Zero Waste
The GameDay Recycling Challenge is a nationwide competition among universities to reduce and recycle the waste generated at home football games. For the first two years we competed, the University of Arkansas placed 1st in the SEC and 8th in the nation. This year we...