The Student Sustainability Council (SSC) is an RSO meant to give students a voice in sustainability on campus by providing a forum, developing projects, and making recommendations.

Going into the 2014-2015 school year, the SSC currently lacks leadership, and we need motivated students to get involved and make the SSC an active and effective vehicle for student sustainability projects once again.

Now is the perfect time to redefine the mission and goals of the council. One idea we’ve had is for the SSC to become a hub for all of the sustainability-related RSOs on campus (there are something like 12 of them). The SSC could play a major role in coordinating their efforts and tapping into their combined strengths to accomplish larger initiatives.

Do you have ideas about what the Student Sustainability Council could become? Are you looking for a chance to turn your passion for sustainability into tangible results for your fellow students? Leave us a note below or get in touch with us here in Sustainability House. We will be planning a meeting at the beginning of the semester to recruit new members and welcome back old ones. Keep an eye on your inbox (or social media, or this blog) for more news.