Working in the Environmental Archaeology Lab

We are always interested in expanding external research collaborations. Undergraduate and graduate students, as well as postdoctoral fellows, who are interested in conducting research are welcome to  contact Dr. Vining about opportunities that interest you. Please see below for more information about joining our laboratory.

Graduate Students

We are currently accepting applications from potential MA or Phd students interested in pursuing original archaeological research with a geospatial, environmental, or paleoclimatic focus. Past and current students working in the lab have been enrolled in Anthropology or Environmental Dynamics degree programs.  If you are interested in  learning about what degree programs are available at the University of Arkansas and how the Environmental Archaeology Lab can help advance your research interests, please contact Dr. Vining.

Undergraduate Students

Involving undergraduate students in original laboratory and field investigations as training in archaeometric approaches is a core part of the work done through the lab. We encourage interested and motivated students to contact us about opportunities to help understand paleoclimates or to contribute to geospatial research.  Funded opportunities to do work in the lab or in the field are available, but competitive.