The 2016 Ethics Summit was held at Giffels Auditorium at the University of Arkansas. Members of the panel were Dr. Calvin White Jr., a Professor at the University of Arkansas from the African American Studies Department, Lisa Corrigan, also a Professor from the University of Arkansas who focuses on Gender studies and Jesse Holland a Journalist from the Washington Bureau of the Associated Press.
One topic covered was the 2016 Presidential debate that took place Monday, September 26. Dr. White said that he felt that the moderator lost control of the debate and he was disappointed in the way he handled the candidates. To him it also did not feel like a Presidential debate was going on. Jesse Holland mentioned the fact checking that was done by the various networks based off of points that both candidates made. Jesse Holland does not believe that they are effective because “Who reads them?”.
Lisa Corrigan said that people need to realize that people of the LGBTQ community are also a part of everyone’s community. Lisa also mentioned that the suicide rate of transgender teens is at 50%. It was also mentioned by Lisa Corrigan that transgender people should not have to worry about pronouns and if they should be labelled as he or she.
While speaking on the topic of police brutality, Jesse Holland mentioned how news reporting has changed in the modern age. He went on to say that people had more time to fact check before releasing a story but now with 24 hour news stations and social media, people expect to have stories right away. This causes sometimes for news stories to be published with errors. It was also mentioned that reporters sometime report without referencing historic context. Jesse Holland stressed that it is very rare for something to be happening in a vacuum. There has to be some history.
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