Final Project (2nd attempt)_ Rachael Krasnesky

A data comparison of population, unemployment rates, and violent crime rates between 2012 and 2015 data in Arkansas show strangely different comparisons for all the cities and regions in Arkansas. In general, population numbers grew between 2012 and 2015. The largest...

Final Project Wenzler

The state of Arkansas has made big changes since 2012 in regards to crime and unemployment rates. The information from the most recent FBI data along with census data reveal a generally uplifting picture for Arkansans. It seems that there is more improvement being...

Jesse Kloss- Final Project

Crime Down, Economy Up in Arkansas By: Jesse Kloss The state of Arkansas is quickly becoming a more attractive place to live, as the unemployment rate and crime rates are on the downfall, and median family income is on the rise. Total offenses are down across the...

Final Project – Ethan Owen

Addressing Stereotypes Through Data by Ethan Owen Stereotypes exist for all kinds of people and situations. People are stereotyped by their race, income, by what they wear, where they go to school, which sports teams they root for and what kinds of cars they drive,...

Final Project | Christina Wilkerson

  The trends in Arkansas crime and employment data suggest a negative correlation between economic health and crime rates.   Arkansas localities – towns or cities – with high crime rates have low median family incomes and high unemployment rates. Conversely,...