Ethics Summit-H.Ball

Panelists gathered for the ethics summit to discuss race, gender, and journalism in politics. On the panel were Jesse Holland, Calvin White, jr, director of African American studies, and Lisa Corrigan, director of gender studies. I thought that it was interesting when...

HW for 9/29 class

workbook1 This graph i have created shows the amount of each race by population, their rejection rates, and median family income. It shows that whites by and large have the most applications, with the second highest median income. While in the chart the rejection...

Sept. 28 Ashton Eley

I had some issues with loading both data sets to compare graphs, but can still do so with theses two separate graphs. If you look at the new demographic data with income by race, Asians by far have the highest income, being 30K more than the average and nearly 20K...