Compared Charts – Monk

The income data explains the question of why people who identified themselves as Asians have the lowest denial rate – they also have the highest income. For the most part, the denial rate is lower for races that make more per family.

9/28 Homework – David Thomas

These graphs show a clear correlation between household income and the rate at which the applications are rejected. Asian families have the highest average income in the area, explaining somewhat the very low rates at which we’ve been seeing them declined for...

Homework for Sept. 29

There is clearly some inverse correlation in the data described by these two charts. Asian families have the highest median income, and also have the lowest rates of rejection for home loans. On the other extreme, Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders had the...

HW 9/29 Flores

The information presented demonstrates that the Asian population had the lowest rejection rate and highest median family income. Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander residents of NWA had the highest rejection rate when applying for a home loan and the lowest median...