Income by Race, Rejection Rate Data

When looked at by race, those races that have a higher median family income appear to be denied home mortgage loan applications at a much lower rate than those races who have a lower median family income. This data indicates that Asians – who had the highest median...

September 28th HW

sept-28-hw I noticed that the lowest rejection rate is by the people who have the highest income. I think this is interesting because you would think they wouldn’t need loans. I also found it interesting that the people who make the least amount of income, have...

Ethics Summit Flores

The ethics summit emphasized race and gender in the media while discussing the Sept. 26 political debate, political reporting tips, and journalism in politics. The panel of contributors to the discussion included Calvin White, Lisa Corgen, and Jesse J. Holland. The...

Ethics Summit

At the Ethics Summit today I felt very engaged with what the three speakers had to say. I completely agree with what Kelvin had to say in regards to the request for President Obamas birth certificate. It was just a tactic to cast doubt in regards to Obama and even...

Tuesday Sept. 27 Class

Important Event next Tuesday and Extra Credit Opportunity: Review HMDA Master Spreadsheet into Tableau Public Produce a graphic showing the mortgage rejection rate for all races and sexes....