Oct. 31 – Monk

In analyzing the data from HMDA and the larger flat files from the 2014 LAR data, I found the largest discrepancy in rejection rates in the populations of people who identified themselves as black or white. The black populations showed a 15 percent rejection rate...

Oct. 31 homework

After examining data from the smaller HMDA data set and the larger flat files, denial rates were listed differently in each. For almost all races, HMDA data listed a lower denial rate, except for Native Hawaiians or Pacific Islanders. For example, African Americans...

Oct. 31 assignment: Ashton Eley

Examine Flat Files, Determine Discrepancies In examining the differences between combined 4-1 and 4-2 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data and the more comprehensive 2014 LAR dataset, I found the most startling contrast is the denial rates for both whites and African...