Jesse Kloss- 2/9 Homework

I found the article on “The ABC’s Data Journalism Play” to be very interesting, especially in its discussion of how data journalism really takes journalists from different fields and backgrounds to work successfully. It takes web designers,...

Delanie Majors Feb 9 HW

I think one of the most interesting and useful aspects about data journalism is how interactive it can be. I think people have this idea that it is all just numbers and boring. But a reoccurring theme through these articles was how data journalism can be used to bring...

Christina Wilkerson | February 9 HW

One of the aspects of our reading I found most exciting was the theme of integration – the multilevel and multidisciplinary collaboration involved in producing data journalism. The team list for the “Coal Seam Gas by the Numbers” was expansive and...

Case Study Comments – Katie Burkhart

I found it interesting that, for BBC, the team of journalists deals with data projects as well as creates graphics and multi-media features. This just goes to show how well-rounded journalists need to be nowadays. I also found it surprising that BBC using products and...

Feb 9 Class

Pivot Table Class Exercise Univ of Arkansas, Fayetteville financials Video On Gathering Financials, Pivot Table and Making A Chart Get the “UAF Various Facility Pledged Revenues” from Pg. 3 and import into Excel.  Use Adobe...