Final Project April 18-May 4

Final Project This assignment builds on the lectures, in-class assignments and homework throughout the semester. You will build a new database with the FBI and Census data using SQL and cleaning the data with Excel. You will export it to Tableau, generate data...

Homework 4.16.17 Rachael Krasnesky

I had a lot of help with this. We originally tried uploading the data into SQL without changing the headings to match (match each other in order to join in SQL; they were cleaned up and such before hand). Then the person helping me figured out that we had to make the...

wenzler hw

SELECT * FROM Census INNER JOIN Crime ON crime.place2 = census.county; I can’t figure out how to export as a .csv  

HW 4/16

I had a couple issues with the Homework. I could not get my data, whenever I imported it to SQL, to show that the numbers on the data are actual numbers. It kept reading them as text and I could not figure out how to fix this.

Homework 4/16 – Ethan Owen

I used the formula: SELECT * FROM Census INNER JOIN Crime ON Census.County = Crime.County I changed Place in the Crime sheet to be called “County” and tried cleaning the data so that both had columns on the far left side with counties in them, but while...