Erin McG Nov 16

1. The new data goes until November 2017, while the NPR data stops in February 2017. NPR data provides information for these missed months. 2. I filtered so that the data for Fayetteville, Little Rock, Shreveport and Memphis are the only ones shown. Edited Version  ...

Chase Reavis 11/16/17

Problem #2: The NPR data reflects the data of the Veterans Health Care System of the Ozarks while the more recently-released data shows individual hospitals’ information. The numbers are larger in the NPR data because it covers a longer amount of time, but the...

Pending Wait-Time Data Assignment Katie Serrano (Late)

The new data relates to the NPR data because it contains wait-times until November while the NPR data only contains data until February. Specific hospitals are listed in the new data as well. The NPR data reflects the totals for the entire system. It can be...

Day 26,27- Nov 28-30

More on Reporting the Roy Moore Story  Table Joining   Task: Join the SHEP Scores with the Pending Wait Times Data. Veteran Survey Access to...

Leah Nelson – Veteran Interviews on SAIL Data

Leah Nelson The Fayetteville Veterans Affairs Medical Center improved its Strategic Analytic Improvement and Learning ratings from 2015 to 2016 by three stars. SAIL measures patient satisfaction with their care, the hospital’s measure of disease and infection rates at...