Sept 26 Day #11

Agenda for Sept. 23, 2018 Continue on Private vs. Public Colleges: How Does The Debt Load Differ?  2. Post interactive graphics on Tableau Public, Embed in WordPress. 3. Demographics and Default   The Private vs. Public Colleges Assignment, Continued 2) Build a...

Sept 24 Day #10

Agenda for Sept. 23, 2018 Continue on Private vs. Public Colleges: How Does The Debt Load Differ?  2. Group Exercise – Data Dictionary: Student Loan Dataset 3. Post interactive graphics on Tableau Public, Embed in WordPress. Review Matching ARDebt Data...

Sept 19 Day #9

Agenda for Sept. 19, 2018 Private vs. Public Colleges: How Does The Debt Load Differ?  Return of the Data Dictionary: Student Loan Dataset All 1,826 columns explained here. 1) Find the field that distinguishes between public...