Tuition Comparison

Write your answers in complete sentences. Thanks.

  1. UARK: **Spell out the full name of the University of Arkansas** $24,302 (specify what this figure means)

% Change: 3.4%

Missouri: $25,916

% Change: 7.2%

2. UARK: $38,650

% Change: 5%

$14,348 difference than in-state tuition

Missouri: $42,290

% Change: 6.1%

$16,374 difference than in-state tuition

3. UARK biggest raw change: Out-of-state tuition and fees

Tuition and fees also had the biggest percent change

Missouri biggest raw change: tie between other on campus cost and other off campus  costs

Other on campus costs and other on campus costs had the biggest percent change too

4. In and out-of-state tuition has increased the past four years at the University of Arkansas and the University of            Missouri at Columbia but the UofA still has the cheaper cost between the two. (can you provide a little more specific information here? 

5. Another source that could help finish this story could be the attendance records for the past few years to see             how many students are going to each university and if the increased cost is affecting the number of students             attending the universities.