Delanie Majors Final Project

2012 Joined data 2015 Joined data   Economic growth proves to be the best way to decrease crime in Arkansas cities. The ten cities in Arkansas with the highest violent crime rate in...

Sydney Richardson_Final

Rape on the Rise in Arkansas Rape seems to be on the rise in Arkansas from a trend discovered from 2012 to 2015. It was found that total rape in the state of Arkansas increased from 1,095 rapes to 1,132 rapes comparing the two years. It should be noted that as the...

Final Project April 18-May 4

Final Project This assignment builds on the lectures, in-class assignments and homework throughout the semester. You will build a new database with the FBI and Census data using SQL and cleaning the data with Excel. You will export it to Tableau, generate data...

Homework 4.16.17 Rachael Krasnesky

I had a lot of help with this. We originally tried uploading the data into SQL without changing the headings to match (match each other in order to join in SQL; they were cleaned up and such before hand). Then the person helping me figured out that we had to make the...

wenzler hw

SELECT * FROM Census INNER JOIN Crime ON crime.place2 = census.county; I can’t figure out how to export as a .csv