Andrea Johnson 9/13 HW

Readings Summarization: The number of veterans seeking health care around the country is increasing. However, medical personnel and providers are not able to keep up with the demand. The Department of Veterans Affairs has increased their mental health staff and...

9/13 Hw – Leah Nelson

In an effort to cut down on wait times in Palo Alto, the Veterans Affairs hospital create minute clinics for veterans to allow openings for higher priority cases rather than treating common illnesses (source article and date?). These minute clinics will allow more...

Andrea Johnson Quiz 2

There are 41 localities with consistent data for the years 2013 and 2014. Correct, although the question pertained to the 2014 data only. But you explained it correctly in the answer. Fayetteville’s property crime rate is 42.37 per 1,000 people, placing it at no. 20...

Leah Nelson – 9/10 Homework

There are 43 localities. Fayetteville’s property crime rate is 42.37 per 1,000 placing it 20 statewide. Fayetteville’s violent crime rate is 4.96 per 1,000 placing it 16 statewide. Fayetteville is ranked THIRD INCORRECT: 20 statewide for total property...