R: Important Resources

You will be using these materials a lot during the course of the semester. Machlis, Sharon. Practical R for Mass Communication and Journalism. Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2018. http://www.machlis.com/R4Journalists/. RStudio IDE Easy Tricks You Might’ve Missed...

Answer to GGPLOT Exercise

Here is the answer to the GGPLOT Exercise Basic Pct KEY Chart in R-2ndxc07   Several of you used incorrect data from 2016 and came out with this ranking: ITT Technical Institute-Little Rock Philander Smith College Bryan University College of the Ouachitas...

Nov 7 Day 22

Agenda for Wednesday, Nov. 7 -Building Basic Charts in R using your table from previous assignment -Review R script -Review video lecture -Check Andrew Ba Tran video for reference -Review reference materials   Class Assignment and Homework Read this R Script and...

Nov 5 Day 21

Nov 5, Day 21 Agenda –Joining Tables in R –Read materials, view video –Read the R script and follow instructions to build two tables using the CollegeScorecard data from 2011 and 2016. JOINING Data Frames in R-11-5-18 Create and post your R script...

Oct 31 Day 20

Oct 31, Day 20 Agenda: –Continue with R: Importing Data, Making Charts, Building Tables, Data Structure     Your Tasks for Today Introduction-to-R-Oct-31-2018           R – Why Are We Doing This Again?   BuzzFeed spy...

Oct 29 Day 19

Agenda for Monday, Oct. 29 Introduction to R and R Studio Announcement: Data Journalism will be online Monday, Nov. 5 and Wednesday, Nov. 7. Prof. Wells will be in Maryland for a family matter. I will be reachable by cell and email during some periods next week Class...