Steps for Combining Sheets:

#1: Gather all of the data into a single workbook and label the sheets tabs briefly and clearly.
—Brief and clear labels help with calculations.

For example.
—Download Table 4-2 from the HMDA website.
—Save this table as HMDA Table Master
—Rename Sheet 1 tab as 4-2Race; Sheet 2 tab as 4-2Ethnic
—Create three new sheets. Label them 4-1 Race, 4-1Ethnic, Combined 4 1+2


—Download Table 4-1 from the HMDA website.
—Copy Sheet 1, with the 4-1 Race information into the HMDA Table Master Workbook on the appropriate sheet
—Copy Sheet 2, with the 4-1 Ethnicity information into the HMDA Table Master Workbook on the appropriate sheet


#2: Calculations!
—Create your columns and headings in the combined sheet:
–Copy the 4-2Race information into Combined 4 1+2
—Rename the heading as “Combined Tables 4-1 and 4-2 (should be at cell A5)
—Clear all of the numbers from this sheet. You are only using the headings. (Command is Edit | Clear | Contents)
—Add the American Indian/Alaska Native Applications
Cell C7: =(
Click to Sheet 4-2 Race, click on the number of American Indian applications
Formula reads: =(‘4-2Race’!C7
Add + to formula: =(‘4-2Race’!C7+
Click to Sheet 4-1 Race, click on the number of American Indian applications
Formula reads: =(‘4-2Race’!C7+’4-1Race’!C7)
Close parentheses. Result should be 73.
—Save Your Work
—Check your math against the sheets

Remember – Error messages in math can result from the lack of numbers in a particular spreadsheet cell. Insert zeros in blank cells

Add the Hispanic or Latino (total) and Male, Female, Joint to the bottom of the sheet