At the Ethics Summit today I felt very engaged with what the three speakers had to say. I completely agree with what Kelvin had to say in regards to the request for President Obamas birth certificate. It was just a tactic to cast doubt in regards to Obama and even after the certificate was released, it was still something that was consistently brought up. That really helped explain to me why it has always been in the news for over eight years.

I also found it interesting what they had to say in regards to Lester Holts job at the first presidential debate. Holt continually allowed Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump to argue back and fourth and did not do the job of fact checking during the several times Trump was incorrect. I believe it was Lisa who pointed out that Lester was dealing with a double-edged sword because if he were to fact check one candidate over the other then he would be called biased.

The one thing that I took notice of the most during the summit was how little Lisa Had a chance to speak. It seemed that she wanted to chime in several times but was skipped over once Kelvin and (mostly) Jesse were done saying what they had to say. At times you could see how frustrated she was getting with this by just seeing her go red in the face when hearing a specific opinion or topic be talked about.

When she finally was able to speak I think she made amazing points and throughly enjoyed what she had to say about the proper pronouns that we should all use in regards to gender issues. It was obvious that she wanted to educate the crowd and that it was something she was both knowledgeable and passionate about. Of everything that was said at the Summit I think my favorite quote would have to be from her when she said, “it is irresponsible not to make yourself knowledgeable on LGBTQ issues when the suicide rate for LGBTQ teens is over 50 percent.”