See this event next Tuesday.

I’m offering extra credit if I see you at the event and if you then you write up a 300 word report about the event for the class blog. I will raise your worst quiz score by two full grade points (so a C+ becomes an A+; a D becomes a B, etc). Your blog post would be due by 11 am Thursday Sept. 29 so we can discuss it in class.

Jesse Holland, the visiting distinguished professor of ethics, will speak at the 2016 Student Ethics Summit, Sept. 27 at 2 p.m. in Giffels Auditorium in Old Main.

The topic is covering race and gender in the new millennium with analysis of news event case studies including Hillary Clinton’s run for president, trans-bathroom laws, and Black Lives Matter protests.

Panelists include Jesse Holland, Calvin White, jr, director of African American studies, and Lisa Corrigan, director of gender studies. Our own Christi Welter will moderate the discussion.
