There are 43 cities in this set.
The crime rate is organized by property crime total.
Fayetteville is ranked #3 for total property crime because of burglary and larceny-theft.
The place that had the highest violent crime rate in Arkansas in 2014 was Blytheville, with a violent crime rate of 17.3 per 1,000.
The highest property crime rate in Arkansas in 2014 was Blytheville, with a property crime rate of 13.95 per 1,000.
Fayetteville’s property crime rate is 42.3 per 1,000, placing it 31 statewide.
Fayetteville’s violent crime rate is 4.9 per 1,000, placing it 27 statewide.
Correct answer #1: 43 police departments.
Correct answer #2: -The crime rate is organized by violent and by property crime. Under violent crime, there is murder and non negligent manslaughter, legacy rape, revised rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. Within property crime, there’s burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft.
Fayetteville answer is correct
Blytheville violent crime was correct but the property crime should have been: crime rate of 83.95 per 1,000.
The rates of Fayetteville crime were correct but the rankings were not:
Fayetteville’s property crime rate is 42.37 per 1,000, PLACING it 20th statewide.
-Fayetteville’s violent crime rate is 4.93 per 1,000, PLACING It 16th statewide.
Grade: B-, 82 of 100