Halie Brown
Reading Assignment
One of the common themes seem to be about the tremendous amount of both social and financial stress student loans put on current and former students. Former students, unlike former students from previous generations, are finding it more and more difficult to settle down, purchase a home and decreases the likelihood that former students pursue former student degrees according to the Quartz article by Ephrat Livni. (Good summary)
The wage gap might also affect the life of female former student students after college. Careers dominated by women tend to pay less (such as what?), but more women attend for-profit universities, and take out loans than men. Not only do former students have more difficulty settling into life after college, but female former students are at more of a disadvantage than their male peers, according to an article by The Chronicle of Higher Education by Juila Piper (a few details are needed to flesh this out)
Former students are also more likely to default on student loans as they get older, especially if they don’t graduate. Arts and humanities majors are more likely to default than those who graduate with a degree in business or STEM. Former students are also more likely to default if they come from a background with a low mean income, according to the article by Liberty Street Economics.
It would be interesting to see a story on low income students who take out student loans, how many services they have used on campus (what kind of services? I don’t follow – debt counseling?), and what, if any, plan they have been presented.
Halie – A good post but a bit vague. See comments with the need for some details throughout. 4 of 5 points
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