I have tried for 2 days to figure out why I can’t join the tables and I am just not sure what the problem is. 🙁 Sometimes I get an error that says “ambiguous column”, and other times it says I have a syntax error. I tried multiple ways to write the instructions, I tried to follow the steps on the instruction site, and I tried to join them on both sets of data (backwards with poverty first, I mean) to see if that was the problem, but I still couldn’t get it right. I did properly upload each of the databases which was a solid start I suppose. I made sure that both “Id2″s were numeric.

My questions are what does “ambiguous column” actually mean? And on the W3Schools tutorial page for joining tables, it says

SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table1
INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.column_name = table2.column_name;
Why doesn’t it start out as “Select * From table name”? Why does it begin with column name first? I tried to do it this way and it still didn’t work sadly.
I will do better next time! (I hope.)
