2. The new pending wait time VA data seems to be similar to the pending wait time NPR data. The numbers are slightly different because of the variation in appointment numbers each month. The NPR data total reflects the system totals. The breakdown of the Fayetteville VA’s numbers (in the VA data) is significantly less than what NPR’s data is showing with a difference over 30,000 patients. Check the website and data dictionary.
3. For extracting data for only Fayetteville, Little Rock, Memphis and Shreveport I searched for each city then copy and pasted them into a new sheet.
Leah – It is actually the same data, but organized differently. This VA website data has more detail on clinics whereas the NPR data just summarizes the overall VA Medical systems
For the Fayetteville, Little Rock, Memphis and Shreveport, see me after class and we can review how to do this more easily. You can filter by the VISN number, the common identifier for these records. Your copy and paste job didn’t display properly in the Excel sheet.
I don’t see an answer for the final question on national data, which was at the end of the sheet. 3 of 5 points.