–Which urban areas was the largest in 1950?
–Which is expected to be the largest in 2030?
Tokyo, Japan
–Which had greatest rate of change between 1950-2015?
Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
–Are any urban areas expected to lose population from 2010 to 2030?
–If so, how many and which one is expected to lose the most?
Riga, Latvia is expected to lose the most out of 48 cities in total.
–Which United States urban area is expected to have the largest percent increase from 2015 to 2030?
The Woodlands, USA
Rachael – –Put your name on blog posts. It is only identified as “rvbaker”
You didn’t put the specific figures on the answers. I want to see the results of your math!
New York- Newark . (how much)
Tokyo. (how much)
Nay Pyi Taw Answer: Myanmar Nay Pyi Taw comes out as No 1 but it has an error message #DIV/0! There was no recorded population in 1950, so pick Cancun.
Riga, Latvia will have the greatest percentage decrease. (how much)
The Woodlands is expected to have the largest percent increase from 2015-2030. (how much)
Nice job on the U.S. spreadsheet.
Points. 4 of 5
I think I changed my settings to show my full name instead of my username. My apologies! Thanks for letting me know.