Combining Tables, Comparing Data

Due 5 pm Monday, Sept. 19

Kick it up a notch…

In this quiz, we will bring together exercises we have reviewed in class using the HMDA and Census data. This quiz will assess your skills in managing data, sorting, and performing calculations. It is important that you compare your calculations of the lending rate to the overall Census data.
Important formatting note:
—Put your last name and date on the spreadsheet, ie “Wells Quiz 9-19”
—Upload the sheet as a blog post and click the category “Student Work”
–Clearly label your work with dates and a description of the data you have calculated.
Combine the conventional and FHA mortgage data, Tables 4-1 and 4-2:
–Total the mortgage data for all conventional and FHA/VA loans into a single spreadsheet. That would be Tables 4-1 and 4-2 of the HMDA data.
–Upload a summary table or spreadsheet with the following:
–Column A lists race / ethnicity
–Column B lists total applications
–Column C lists total loans originated
–Column D lists total loans declined
–Column E calculate the rejection rate (declined / applications).
–Column F calculate the approval rate
–Column G Calculate the percentage of applications by race or ethnic category
–Column H Contains the 2014 Census Data for Northwest Arkansas MSA (Table CP05), percentage population, by the relevant racial/ethic categories
Write a brief news story (3 paragraphs), following Associated Press style, with your findings. Compare the application percentages to the Census data.
Conclude with two questions you would ask for further research on this story.
Answers to this quiz: