I was surprised- though not shocked- to read that women have more student debt than men. This is partially a result of the wage gap, but also due to the fact that women are encouraged to pursue higher paying careers. This creates an anomaly of sorts, however, as getting some of these higher paying jobs can require more schooling and therefore more debt.
This debt could be a serious deterrent from getting more expensive degrees. As mention in both “I Paid Off $180,000 in Student Debt in 8 Years. Here’s How I Did It” and “Student Debt Is Worse for Women” both women mentioned this problem. Nicole, the lawyer, said she almost didn’t go on to law school because of how much debt it would inevitably put her in. This is a huge factor as to why women are are in more debt than men.
I also learned from these articles that it’s very helpful to pay a little extra on your monthly payments when possible. This can reduce your amount of payments and get you to a debt free place sooner. Doing this can also lower your interest. .
Good post, could use a little more detail, such as the last item – how much do the extra payments make a difference? 4 of 5 points
See comments on your post. Thanks