Post-graduation debt looks like it depends largely on decisions where to live, a focus of study and gender. (Good summary)

According to the Wallet Hub, students that wanted to take their studies to New York City ended up being in household debt because of the extremely high rent in the city. This also carries into mortgages after graduation when trying to find a permanent home. Even the higher wages do not make up for the cost of living.

The Chronicle of Higher Education stated that women tend to pick more emotional jobs, which do not pay as well equaling out to a deeper pocket of debt. They also speak up about their debt more than men do. This article states women are coming forward in this era and are hopefully rising to power, equal with men, in order to get that higher income to cease the endless debt.

Time Money tells the story of a woman that lived with her parents in order to pay off $180,000 in eight years. This could be a blessing if the home-life situation is healthy. (living at home to pay off debts is a blessing? Really?) She said her constant dedication to paying bills and increasing payment each month is how she did it.

I would like to see a story over the students that chose to live at home post-graduation and how it helps them save money, and how much money that is. Also, why there is such a negative stigma on living with your parents after college. (I agree with the first part of your question. The stigma of living at home is not a story for this class. 4 of 5 points – a post thin on detail and analysis)