Upon reading the case studies, there were several points that could be gathered, ones that seemed to be stressed more than just once.

The importance of organization and accuracy seemed to be a common theme throughout the several texts. Obviously, the authors of these texts understood the importance of having both of these qualities work hand in hand to have a far smoother process of correctly writing the story to begin with, while also having the ease of organization, and thus less stress.

Uniformity also was another popular topic mentioned throughout the texts. It is necessary for journalists to make sure all data platforms are cleaned up well, and can be managed effectively, but in order for this to happen, the information must all be uniform sharing similar characteristics, allowing for better ease. By this, I mean that spreadsheets should have errors removed, the info should be cleaned up, there should be similar formatting for the information, etc.

This, of course leads me to my next point of the importance of obtaining the right data, and not being discouraged upon obtaining information that may not be useful at first, or may not be useful at all. Collecting data and researching information can be tedious–it isn’t necessarily easy to get what you want right off the bat, and that’s not usually how it works. Patience is key here. Especially because patience can lead you to the right answers, and seeing something different than you originally saw before. Play around with your information; make various graphs and visuals to represent your data. You might end up seeing things differently.

Patience is quite possibly the biggest take away throughout these readings, because without it, the process is quite miserable. Patience allows for all of these factors to fall into place.