CLST1003Schedule 2021

Tentative Schedule of Readings for CLST 1003: Spring, 2021

Professor Daniel B. Levine

Illustration: Coin of the Delphic Amphictyony. Apollo seated on the Omphalos (Navel
Stone), with laurel crown and laurel branch, kithara, and tripod in the

Before the first class, please fill out the Student Information Form and email it before the first class. Thanks!



Students will read the assignments and consult the appropriate study questions. For each reading assignment there will be a set of study questions. Students are required to think of answers to the study questions that end in the same number as the last digit of their student identification. For instance, if the last digit of my ID is “3”, I would have to prepare answers to study questions #3, 13, 23, 33, etc. for the day’s assignment. The questions are for learning. One of each digit (0-9) will appear on the daily SLO.

It is not required to write out answers before class, but if helps you to remember them, feel free to do so. Only one of them will be on the daily Special Learning Opportunity.

The purpose of these questions is to ensure that everyone has read the assignment and therefore can get the most out of our meetings and can participate actively in class discussion.

Your answers on the Special Learning Opportunities should be clear, accurate and complete, with proper attention to spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Please come to class prepared to answer the study questions which match the final digit of your ID number. We will ask you to answer one of the questions you have prepared. And during class, I will give you the chance to ask about any of the study questions that you are not sure about.

In addition to answering the reading questions, each student will write a THOUGHTFUL THOUGHT based on the readings or class discussions. This should be a mature consideration of the material, or a question based on the readings. Any qestions in the Thoughtful Thought must be  accompanied by a thoughtful approach to an answer.


Week 1

January 11, 2021 Monday. Introduction and Welcome to CLST 1003. (Hand in Student Information Sheet.)


January 13, 2021 Wednesday. Biers Chapter 1: Archaeology in Greece and Chapter 2: Who were the Minoans? (Study Questions).

Week 2

January 18, 2021 Monday. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday. No Class. Read Biers chapters 3 (Mycenaeans) and 4 (Dark Ages)  for Wednesday’s class.

January 20, 2021 Wednesday. Biers Chapter 3: Who were the Mycenaeans? and Biers Chapter 4. What were the Dark Ages? (Study Questions)

Week 3

January 25 Monday. Biers, Chapter 5: The Geometric Period. What we can learn from stick figures on giant amphorae? (Study Questions)


January 27 Wednesday. Read Odyssey books 1-4. Telemachus’ journey in search of his missing father.(Study Questions)

Week 4

February 01 Monday. Odyssey 5-10: Odysseus’ Adventures; Monsters. (Study Questions).

February 03  Wednesday. Odyssey 11-16: The Underworld and Odysseus Incognito on Ithaca. (Study Questions)

Week 5

February 8  Monday. Odyssey 17-20: The Beggar Odysseus Makes His Plans. (Study Questions).

February 10 Wednesday. Odyssey 21-24: Violent Revenge and Tender Reunification. (Study Questions)

Week 6

February 15 Monday. Biers, Chapter 6: What was the “Orientalizing Period”? What does a Greek Temple look like? (Study Questions)

February 17 Wednesday. ONLY HONORS STUDENTS MEET TODAY. Everyone: Prepare for first Exam (click for description).

Week 7

February 22 Monday. No class. “Spring Break” #1.

February 24 Wednesday. First Exam:  Classics in Our World, Art Slides, Hermes’ Letters to His Mother. (click for description).


Week 8

March 01 Monday. Biers Chapter 7: Greek Art of the Archaic Period. What made it special? (Study Questions).

March 03 Wednesday.Herodotus Histories Book 1: Persia vs. Greece: Origins of the East-West Conflict. Cyrus the Great and his bloody end. (Study Questions).

Week 9

March 08 Monday. Herodotus Histories.  Book 2 to section 135: Egypt.  (Study Questions)

March 10 Wednesday. Herodotus Histories. Selections from books 5 (sections 1–106) and 6 (sections 94-131). The Ionian Greeks Revolt from Persia. The battle of Marathon. (Study Questions).


Week 10

March 15 Monday. Herodotus Histories Books 7, 8 and 9 (sections 58-83). The 300 at Thermopylae. The Persians burn Athens but lose their fleet at Salamis. Greeks Triumph at Plataia. (Study Questions)

March 17 Wednesday. Biers Chapter 8, Part 1: Greek Art of the Fifth Century. The Classical Period. (Study Questions 1-30).


Week 11

March 22 Monday. Biers Chapter 8, Part 2: Greek Art of the Fifth Century. The Classical Period. (Study Questions 31-60).

March 24 Wednesday. Thucydides Peloponnesian War Book 1: Origins of the Athens-Sparta Conflict. Sections 1-23, and 66-145. (Study Questions)


Week 12

March 29 Monday. Thucydides Peloponnesian War Books 2 and 3: First War Years; Pericles’ Funeral Oration; the Plague. Read Book 2, Sections 1-78.and selections from Book 3:: Revolt of Mytilene, Stasis on Corcyra. Sections 1-84, and 104. (Study Questions)

March 31 Wednesday. Thucydides Peloponnesian War Books 4 and 5: Athenians capture Spartans alive on Pylos. Read: Book 4 Sections 1-48; Book 5: Death of Brasidas. Peace Treaty. Athens Crushes Melos. Read Book 5 sections 1-26, and 84-116.(Study Questions)


Week 13

April 05 Monday.Thucydides Peloponnesian War. Books 6, 7 and 8 (selections): Athens sends fleet to Sicily and suffers disaster. Read Book 6 Sections 6.1-61, and 6.88-105; Book 7 sections 1-17, 42-56, and 71-87, Read Book 8: sections 1-2: The Aftermath of the Sicilian Expedition, .(Study Questions)

April 07 Wednesday. ONLY HONORS STUDENTS MEET TODAY. Everyone: Prepare History Essays.


Week 14

April 12 Monday. In class writing assignment (ART SLIDES, CLASSICS IN OUR WORLD, CROESUS’ JOURNAL).

April 14 Wednesday. Tragedy: Aeschylus Agamemnon. The Returning Warrior’s Tragic Homecoming, (Study Questions).


Week 15

April 19 Monday. Tragedy: NOTE: READ TWO PLAYS by Aeschylus: The Libation Bearers (Study Questions) AND The Furies (Study Questions): Orestes’ return and bloody revenge. His trial for matricide. Where lies Justice?

April 21 Wednesday. Comedy: Aristophanes, Clouds: Strepsiades sends his son to School. What kind of education is this, anyway? (Study Questions)


Week 16

April 26  Monday. Comedy: Aristophanes Wasps. Procleon vs. Contracleon. Is this any way to run the courts? (Study Questions)

April 28 Wednesday. Comedy: Aristophanes Birds. Escape to Cloudcucooland (aka Nephelokokkygia). This really angers the gods. (Study Questions) .


Week 17 [Exam Week]

  May 5. Wednesday. 3-5:00pm. OPTIONAL FINAL EXAMINATION. Last Special Learning Opportunity (Tragedy/Comedy/Classics in our World) . 

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