CLST1003Syllabus 2021





Professor Daniel B. Levine

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ILLUSTRATION: Scene from Herodotus Histories,
book 1, Croesus the Lydian king on the pyre at the order of Cyrus the Great
of Persia. Croesus remembers the words of the wise Athenian Solon, just
as the flames approach him. What can save Croesus now? (Attic red-figure
amphora, attributed to Myson, perhaps 500-490 BCE. Paris, Louvre.)

Welcome to Classical Studies 1003!

In this class we will look at the ancient Greeks through Words and Dirt. Namely, the physical remains of their culture which we find buried in the soil, and the literary creations which have become the foundation of western culture. This class will require the students to read, to write, to think, and to participate. The professor will endeavor to combine lecture, class discussion, and reading assignments to give students an impression of what these ancient people were like, how they lived, and what they have bequeathed to us.

I believe that we are here both to learn facts and to think about them. One of my favorite quotations expresses this.

The Master said, “If one learns from others but does not think, one will be bewildered. If on the other hand, one thinks but does not learn from others, one will be in peril.”

Confucius Analects 2.15

Our goal in this class is both to avoid being bewildered and avoid being in peril! We will therefore endeavor  to learn and to think.

Class Procedures

Our class meets two days a week, during which time we will address ancient Greek civilization and literature. Each classe will begin with student presentations on Classics in Our World (see below), and continue with the professor discussing the day’s readings with the class. All students will come to class having read the texts assigned for the day, and having answered the daily Study Questions (see below). The professor will lecture, and call on students to respond to the day’s readings. He will invite discussion of the issues raised in the texts, show slides, and share thoughts on the day’s topic. At the end of each class, students will write short reactions to the materials they read and hand them in (Special Learning Opportunities). Two class periods will be dedicated to the honors section; other students will continue their studies outside of class on those days.

There is a good deal of reading required for this class, and students will hand in short written work in almost every class.

Previous students in a mid-term survey gave advice to friends who might consider taking this course. Their anonymous comments are here.

Before the first class, please complete and email us the Student Information Form. Thanks!

Contacting the Instructors; Office Hours.

The instructor of this course is Daniel Levine. Rebecca Murray is the Graduate Teaching Assistant, and in charge of class business. If students need to report an absence, they should contact Ms Murray ( Students should feel free to contact Dr. Levine or the Teaching Assistant  any time they have questions. Dr. Levine’s email: Please contact the instructor if you want to make an appointment to talk privately about any class business or the Classical Studies major or minor.

Before the first class, please complete and email to me the Student Information Form . Thanks!

Daily Assignments and Special Learning Opportunities

At the end of each class, students will have a Special Learning Opportunity (SLO) that will consist of two parts: 1) A response to one of the day’s Study Questions, and 2) a “Thoughtful Thought” about the day’s reading.

1. STUDY QUESTIONS. For each reading assignment, the professor will provide the students with “Study Questions.” The purpose of these questions is to check reading retention and stimulate thought and class discussion. At the end of each class, these study questions will serve as the basis of the “special learning opportunity,” in which students will write a response to one of the study questions (which the professor will provide). These study questions will be linked to the Schedule of Reading Assignments.

The last digit of the University of Arkansas ID number will determine which questions students will be responsible for in class. For example, students with “4” as the last ID# digit will concentrate on answering questions 4, 14, 24, etc. Students do not need to write out answers to these questions, but should be prepared to discuss them and write an answer in class, when required. Answers will be graded on accuracy, completeness, spelling, grammar, and clarity/insight. The professor will not give Special Learning Opportunities outside of class.

2. THOUGHTFUL THOUGHTS. On the daily “Special Learning Opportunities,” in addition to answering one of the Study Questions (provided by the professor), students will write several thoughtful sentences in reaction to what they have read. These can be a personal reaction to the material, honest questions with attempts at an answer, comparisons with other material — both classical and non-classical, and other relevant observations. The Thoughtful Thoughts must show mature reflection and critical thinking… not just simple questions or admiration/disapproval of something.  Explain why you think the way you do.

Click HERE for some tips on the THOUGHTFUL THOUGHTS, to give you an idea of what the professor would like to see (but you do not have to quote directly or include line numbers).

The professor will not give Special Learning Opportunities outside of class.

At the end of the semester, the professor will drop students’ two lowest SLO grades.

Student Presentations “Classics in Our World”

Our language and culture are permeated by the classical past. During the course of this semester, students will present some examples of the relevance of Classics to modern life and language. Each student group will make brief (2 minute) presentations in class, telling about some word, expression, art form, or literary conceit that we owe to the Greeks. The Professor will assign these words in the first week of classes. Further explanation and list of words are here.

Real Greek for Real Students.

Language and culture are so closely interconnected! To understand Greeks best, we should know their language. Since our time is limited this semester, we will at least learn the Greek alphabet as a step towards our goal of assimilating as much ancient Greek civilization as we can this term. You will find the Greek alphabet (capitals and lower case) as you will write it at this site,. Please write out the whole Greek alphabet as I have written it — at least three examples of each letter, upper and lower case. It’s fun!

Students will use their knowledge of the Greek alphabet at several points in the semester, including your presentations on Classics in Our World.

Honors Section

Students enrolled in CLST 1003H will complete all the assignments for CLST 1003. In addition, they will meet other times during our regular class time, read some modern works, and discuss them with the instructor. Each honors student will hand in a short paper based on the semester’s readings. Details here.


Grades in this class will be determined as follows:
(A=90-100%, B=80-89%, C=70-79%, D=60-69%)

The course grade will be determined based on the following:

20% Daily Special Learning Opportunities (Study Questions/Thoughtful Thoughts); the professor will drop two lowest scores.

20% Class Presentations and Participation (includes “Classics in Our World”, attendance, active participation, and good citizenship).

20% SLO Midterm #1: Including Odyssey Essay, Classics in Our World words and Art Slides

20% SLO Midterm #2: including Herodotus/Thucydides Essay, Classics in Our World words and Art Slides

20% Last Special Learning OpportunityIncluding Classics in Our World questions and Greek drama essay

Working Together and Academic Honesty

I want you to work together. However, the products of student work must be personal. That is, if you study together, do not copy what your study partner has written. The main point is that you do your own work, and do not steal someone else’s. Identical work will arouse the suspicion of academic dishonesty. If you have questions about the University’s policy on Academic Honesty, look in the University of Arkansas Catalog or check the “Academic Integrity” University of Arkansas site:

The professor will report students who copy from one another, who hand in work that is not their own, or who otherwise act against academic honesty standards.

Required Texts

Please use the following editions, as the daily study questions will be based on these editions. Also, bring the relevant book to class with you when we will be discussing its material. Thanks!

  • THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF GREECE second edition (Cornell) William Biers.
  • ODYSSEY HOMER (Hackett) Stanley Lombardo, translator.
  • THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR: THUCYDIDES (Hackett) Steven Lattimore, translator.
  • HERODOTUS THE HISTORIES (Oxford) Robin Waterfield, translator.
  • AESCHYLUS ORESTEIA (Hackett) Peter Meineck, translator.
  • ARISTOPHANES I: CLOUDS WASPS BIRDS (Hackett) Peter Meineck, translator.

Inclement Weather Policy

When the University is open, I will meet classes. If serious weather prevents a student from making it to class, I will permit that student to make up the day’s work without penalty.

Concealed Carry of Handguns

Concealed carry is NOT allowed on Arkansas campuses without an enhanced carry permit.

I look forward to exploring the world of ancient Greece with you!
Daniel B. Levine, Professor of Classical Studies, University of Arkansas:

Click here to see what I have been doing for the last 40 years.

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