DailyAssignments 2009



Illustration: Silver didrachm of Eretria (Euboea).
500-490 BCE. Athens, Numismatic Museum. Eretria minted coins until 490 BCE,
when the Persians invaded on their way to Marathon. On the other side of
this coin was a cow, to stand for the island EUBOEA (“rich in oxen”).
The octopus represents the seagoing nature of the people of Eretria, who
sent colonies throughout the Mediterranean, including to Pithecussae, off
the Bay of Naples, where these Euboeans also founded Cyme, from which they
gave the Greek alphabet to the Latins. Thanks, Eretrians, for the alphabet
we use today!

For each reading assignment in Biers’
THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF GREECE there will be a set of study questions.

Students are required to type answers
to the study questions that end in the same number as the last digit of
their student identification. For instance, if the last digit of my ID is
“3”, I would have to hand in answers to study questions #3, 13,
23, 33, etc. for the day’s assignment.

The purpose of these questions is to ensure
that everyone has read the assignment and therefore can get the most out
of our meetings and can participate actively in class discussion. These
written responses should be typed, and will be graded and returned in
the next class meeting
. Please fold your paper and write your name on
the outside. Do not write your name on the front side of the paper.


Please,come to class prepared with these
written responses.


The study question assignments are graded
by the following criteria

1. Accuracy of Information (Be sure
what you write is true.);

2. Completeness of Answer (Answer the
whole question.);

3. Proper Spelling, Punctuation, and
Grammar (Proofread — out loud.);

4. Clarity of Thought/Insight (What
you write should makes sense and show understanding).


NOTE: You may add material to your typed
answers during class, but students who write all their answers during
class will not receive credit for the assignment, nor will students who
often or habitually come to class with incomplete assignments. LATE


Helpful Hints on Daily Assignments (they’re


  • Your work must be your own. Students
    who turn in answers which another student has written will receive a 0.
    Do not copy the work of others. Identical or near-identical answers arouse
    the suspicion of academic dishonesty.
  • Your work must be in your own words.
    You may quote from our texbooks, but at least 75% of student answers must
    be in their own words (i.e. no more than 25% of your answer may consist
    of quotation).
  • When quoting from the text, be sure to
    use QUOTATION MARKS to show what words you are copying, as opposed to your
    own words.

Study Questions


Due Wednesday, August 26: Biers Chapter 1: Archaeology in Greece


Due Friday, August 28: Biers Chapter 2: The


Due Monday, August 31: Biers Chapter 3: The Mycenaeans


Due Wednesday, September 02: Biers Chapter 4: The Dark Ages


Due Monday, September 14: Biers, Chapter 5: The Geometric Period


Due Friday, October 02: Biers, Chapter 6: The Orientalizing Period


Due Monday, October 05:
Biers, Chapter 7: The Archaic Period. (part 1)


Due Wednesday, October 07: Biers, Chapter 7: The Archaic Period. (part


Due Monday, October 26: Biers, Chapter 8 (first half): CLASSICAL


Due Wednesday, 28 October: Biers, Chapter 8 (second half): CLASSICAL


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