
Tentative Schedule of Readings for CLST 1003:

Professor Daniel B. Levine

Illusration: Coin of the Delphic Amphictyony. Apollo seated on the Omphalos (Navel
Stone), with laurel crown and laurel branch, kithahra, and tripod in the


Students will read the assignments and bring to class written
answers to the appropriate questions, as outlined on the DAILY

Week 1

August 20 Monday. Introduction and Welcome to CLST 1003!

August 22 Wednesday. Biers Chapter 1: Archaeology
in Greece.

August 24 Friday. Biers Chapter 2: Who were the

Week 2

August 27 Monday. Biers Chapter 3: Who were the

August 29 Wednesday. Biers Chapter 4. What were
the Dark Ages?

August 31 Friday. Hesiod. Works and Days.
What is Important in Life? Why do we have to work?

Week 3

September 03 Monday. LABOR DAY. No class. Think about Labor, especially
in light of Hesiod’s WORKS and DAYS. Read Hesiod’s Theogony.

September 05 Wednesday. Hesiod. Theogony.
Where did the gods come from? How many Sea Nymphs are there, anyway?

September 07 Friday. Review. No class. Start reading the Iliad!

Look Here for
a description of the Iliad Essay Assignment, Due Monday, October
1, 2007 (not later).

Week 4

September 10 Monday. Iliad 1-4. Achilles’
Wrath, Zeus’ Plan, Helen’s Predicament, and Menelaus’ wound. (Honors
turn in summary.)

September 12 Wednesday. Iliad 5-8.
Diomedes’ ARISTEIA, Trading Gold Armor for Bronze, Hector vs. Ajax,
Hera and Athena try to interfere.

September 14 Friday. Iliad 9-12. Achilles
rejects the embassy from Agamemnon; a night raid, more slaughter. Nestor’s
mighty wine cup!

Week 5

September 17 Monday. Biers, Chapter 5: The Geometric
What we can learn from stick figures on giant amphorae?

September 19 Wednesday. Iliad 13-16.
Hera seduces Zeus, Zeus cries bloody tears, Hector kills Patroclus

.September 21 Friday. Iliad 17-20.
Achilles’ new armor, Agamemnon’s confession, Aeneas escapes Achilles

Week 6

September 24 Monday. Iliad 21-24.
Surreal river battle, god vs. god, Hector’s death, Patroclus’ funeral, Priam
& Achilles.

September 26 Wednesday. Iliad Review. Only Honors

Look Here for
a description of the Iliad Essay Assignment, Due Monday, October
1, 2007 (not later).

September 28 Friday. Midterm Examination

Week 7

October 01 Monday. Iliad
Essays Due
No late essays will be accepted. Only Honors

October 03 Wednesday. Biers, Chapter 6: What was
the “Orientalizing Period”? What does a Greek Temple look like?

October 05 Friday. Biers Chapter 7: Greek Art of
the Archaic Period. What made it special? (part 1)


Week 8

October 08 Monday. Biers Chapter 7: Greek Art of
the Archaic Period. What made it special? (part 2)

October 10 Wednesday. Herodotus, Histories
Book 1.
Persia vs. Greece: Origins of the East-West Conflict.

October 12 Friday. Herodotus Histories
Book 4. Darius vs. the Scythians. Herodotus’ Anthropology.

Week 9

October 15 Monday. Herodotus, Histories

October 17 Wednesday. Herodotus Histories
Book 7. The Spartans Die Defending the Pass at Thermopylae.

October 19 Friday. Herodotus Histories
Book 8-9 (part). Persians burn Athens and lose their fleet at Salamis. Greeks
Triumph at Plataia.

Week 10

October 22 Monday. Review Herodotus. Only Honors

October 24 Wednesday. Biers Chapter 8: Greek
Art of the Fifth Century. The Classical Period. (PART 1)

October 26 Friday. Biers Chapter 8: Greek Art
of the Fifth Century. The Classical Period. (PART 2)

Week 11

October 29 Monday. Thucydides Peloponnesian
Book 1: Origins of the Athens-Sparta Conflict.

October 31 Wednesday. Thucydides
Peloponnesian War Book 2: First War Years; Pericles’ Funeral Oration;
the Plague.

November 02 Friday Thucydides Peloponnesian
Book 3, Revolt of Mytilene, Stasis on Corcyra

Week 12

November 05 Monday. Thucydides Peloponnesian
Book 4: Athenians capture Spartans alive on Pylos

November 07 Wednesday. Thucydides Peloponnesian
War. Books
5, 6, 7: Athens crushes Melos; sends fleet to Sicily ­
and loses it.

Friday, November 09 Friday. Aeschylus, INTRODUCTION

Week 13

November 12 Monday. Aeschylus, THE

November 14 Wednesday. Aeschylus, THE FURIES

November 16 Friday. Review. Only Honors

Week 14

November 19 Monday. Aristophanes, CLOUDS.
How dangerous can education be? Father vs. Son.

For Dr. Levine’s thoughts on Religion in Aristophanes’ Clouds,
read this page:

November 21 Wednesday. NO CLASS. Fall Break

November 23 Friday. NO CLASS. Fall Break

Week 15

November 26 Monday. Aristophanes: WASPS.
What is “addiction to jury service”? Father vs. Son.

November 28 Wednesday. Aristophanes,
Flying to Heaven on the back of a dung beetle is the key
to success on earth.

For Dr. Levine’s ruminations on Religion in Aristophanes’ Peace,
read this page:

November 30 Friday. Review. Postcard
to Grandmother

Week 16

December 3 Monday. Examination #2.

Monday, 10 December, 2007. Deadline for Honors

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