
Parallax Parallax is a term used to describe an effect that gives the perception of life-like distance and motion using a kind of two-dimensional animation. This is accomplished by changing the scrolling speeds of different elements on a webpage to create the illusion...
UARK Network Site Showcase

UARK Network Site Showcase

Design Showcase WP Team Favorites from the UARK Network Boxed Layout Box layouts are easy to use and dependable. The Associated Student Government takes advantage of this structure in their easy to navigate site. Full Width Layout A full width format supplies a more...
Using Background Images and Gradient Overlays

Using Background Images and Gradient Overlays

They key to a professional appearance on your WordPress site can be found in your images. Often times, users post images that are bad, blurry, or just plain boring. Here, I will show you how to use Divi’s background overlays and settings to spice up the images on your site. There are tons of options to tweak your image…