RGB(A) Color Configuration

RGB(A) Color Configuration

RGB(A) Color Configuration Color Configuration Computers have a wide array of handling color.  From RGB(A) to hexadecimal to CMYK there is a lot to know about the way colors are digitally rendered. For websites, color is only possible through a programming language...
How to Add a Border Around an Image

How to Add a Border Around an Image

How to Add a Border Around an Image Add Borders to a Images using HTML & CSS   Using HTML/CSS to add borders to an image is easier than what you think. Before you add an image to your post in the text module,  you need to switch to the text editor. Then,...
Easy Tables Plugin

Easy Tables Plugin

Easy Tables Plugin Easy Tables plugin is a great tool to create tables on your posts or pages. It is pretty easy to use. In other to activate it, go to Plugin on the dashboard and search for Easy Table. Then, activate it, and you will be ready to use Easy Table on any...
Heads Up! Your Site Might Be Illegal

Heads Up! Your Site Might Be Illegal

You are probably thinking that there is no way your site could be illegal…unless great content is against the law. 😉 Ok, sorry, I had to fit that in there. Anyway, when you create a site, you are probably thinking about user accessibility. How will the user navigate my pages? Is this text easy to read? Will this be mobile-friendly? But how often do you think about those who have a disability accessing your page?


Parallax Parallax is a term used to describe an effect that gives the perception of life-like distance and motion using a kind of two-dimensional animation. This is accomplished by changing the scrolling speeds of different elements on a webpage to create the illusion...