4 Design Trends to Modernize Your Site

4 Design Trends to Modernize Your Site

Just like clothing and car styles, websites styles are constantly changing. If your site was created any time from 2 to 15 years ago, the change may be happening more rapidly than you ever expected. But just like the mullet you rocked in kindergarten, your website may need some major updating if you want to be taken seriously.

What is the Difference between a Page and a Post

What is the Difference between a Page and a Post

When creating a new site, publishing content can be daunting. Creating and determining content is a beast in itself (but that’s for another blog post). The publishing should be easy, right? You have the information for your site – now what? Where does it go? What will it look like to other users? I will go into detail about pages versus posts.

How Often Should I Post New Content?

How Often Should I Post New Content?

How Often Should I Post Content? When maintaining a website, especially a blog, a common concern is how often you should update your content. How much is enough? Is there any benefit to updating your website on a regular basis? Google Loves Updates Google has made it...
Perks of Branding Your Site

Perks of Branding Your Site

Perks of Branding Your Site When you think about creating a site here at the University of Arkansas, branding is probably not the first thing that comes to mind. You might think it doesn’t apply to you. The site you’re creating is for a lab, class, or a personal site...
WordPress Visual Editor

WordPress Visual Editor

WordPress Visual Editor The WordPress Visual Editor is a great tool since you do not need to have a lot of coding knowledge in order to create a site. Some of its items are and look like other editors. Because of that, only unique items of WordPress Visual Editor will...