Enlarging An Image Without Losing Quality

Enlarging An Image Without Losing Quality

Maintaining Image Quality Have you ever found an image, but the size was just too small for your purposes? I recently had this issue with a logo, and needed to resize the image to make it larger. Whenever you resize the image, chances are the image will come out much...
How to Downscale an image

How to Downscale an image

How to Downscale an Image Step 1. Find the media you would like to downscale in the media section of the WordPress dashboard. Step 2. Once you have selected the image you would like to downscale, select “Edit Image” Step 3. Insert the new dimensions you...
5 Ways to Improve Your Content

5 Ways to Improve Your Content

We all want our content to be read. But it all comes down to how we as authors of content present our words to our audience. Editing is the biggest component here. Without editing, you could never improve your content delivery. Here, I will discuss how to improve your...
RGB(A) Color Configuration

RGB(A) Color Configuration

RGB(A) Color Configuration Color Configuration Computers have a wide array of handling color.  From RGB(A) to hexadecimal to CMYK there is a lot to know about the way colors are digitally rendered. For websites, color is only possible through a programming language...
How to Add a Border Around an Image

How to Add a Border Around an Image

How to Add a Border Around an Image Add Borders to a Images using HTML & CSS   Using HTML/CSS to add borders to an image is easier than what you think. Before you add an image to your post in the text module,  you need to switch to the text editor. Then,...